Engagement Approach

Phase - 1

Evaluation : Understanding the team, team expectations and team capabilities and shortfalls.

Phase - 2

Intervention : One on One Coaching, Group Trainings and Tweaking of Operational Modalities to ensure ease of functioning and transparency.

Phase - 3

Support : Once the intervention is over, we would provide continued support for a period of one year (scope and investment for the same TBD)

Methodology for Evaluation Phase

1. Detailed seminar with Manager and key elements on their expectations from this team.
2. Formulation of Strategy and Culture with Manager and Key elements so that we are on the same page and working towards the stated goal.
3. Meeting with nominated personnel in all three sites and interviewing them.
4. Input would be taken on Google Form (confidentially) from all employees.

Methodology for Intervention Phase

1. Based on above an assessment will be carried out on the following criteria:-
(a) Accountability (ready acceptance of accountability and solving of problems without being directed to).
(b) Communication (can coherently and effectively deliver information as required to subordinates, peers and superiors).
(c) Tolerance to Ambiguity (ability to assume orders in case of none).
(d) Team Dynamism (fits well into teams and motivates team members to perform)
(e) Leadership (propels people reporting to him/her to perform at higher levels and supports in preparing them for higher roles)
2. Assessment Report will be shared with Management.
3. Post Assessment, schedule will be drawn up in consonance with Management and HR to schedule one on one sessions (number depending on
the severity of issue discovered) with Individual Managers and group interventions with employees. Post intervention Report will be shared and
Managers of the members worked with would be requested (through HR) to assess changes in behavior/efficiency of staff.
4. Another round of interviews and input form will be filled and diagnosed to ascertain generic and specific changes accrued and recommend
further action.

Methodology for Support Phase

We will be available to further intervene with the Manager or his team members (as ascertained by the Manager) to help them iron out issues.